Ichigo ichie 9/10 - Niigaki 3rd guest appearance
By: ZabelTakahashi Ai's Ichigo Ichie this week is another fun show with Niigaki Risa as a guest.
Ichigo ichie 9/10
Risa makes her entrance speaking in a princely voice words from Cinderella. But both of them have trouble remembering what the name of the prince was; not 'Franz', not 'Crystal', but 'Christopher'. Then Aichan introduces her as Morning Musume sub-leader 'G-A-K-I-san'. Aichan was late to the studio today because of traffic. She caused management a bit of worry because they weren't able to contact her. She had forgotten to bring her cell phone. Risa says she often does.
When Aichan asks Risa what she's into lately, Risa reveals that she has a song stuck in her head which Aichan had playing in the dressing room at the dinner show. It has lyrics that go "Po-po-po-poker face-po-po-poker face". Poker Face by Lady Gaga, Aichan explains. As for Aichan, she's into Korea... They'll leave it at that for now.
On the plane ride to L.A. Aichan watched 17 Again, a story about a man who, wanting to relive his youth, becomes 17 and ends up going to the same high school that his son and daughter go to. Aichan gives a full synopsis of the plot. Forget what I said last week; Aichan has no qualms about spoiling movie plots too it seems. Risa can't help busting out laughing.
Risa: Is it okay to be taking 2 hours? You're telling everything that happens.
Aichan: I have to tell what happens. This...this is the corner where I tell what happens.
So Aichan continues talking on and on about the plot of the movie. It gets to where Risa bangs her microphone in exasperation.
Aichan: ...Then because of that his son gets good at basketball too. So then Mike's wife--Mike is the guy's name...
Risa: I don't care! I haven't seen it.
Aichan: That's why I'm explaining it. So then they dance to the song they used to listen to...
Risa: (laughing) You're the worst!
But Aichan has no intention of stopping until she reaches the very end. The Ainote corner is so much fun when Aichan has a guest whose patience she can obliviously test XD They conclude.
Risa: But now, everyone watch this...what was it?...this 17 Again. It'd be best if people watched it.
Aichan: Yes, please watch it.
Risa: It'd be best if they watched it.
Aichan: Yes. Then they ought to understand what I've said.
Risa: (mumbling) They ought to.
At last Aichan involves Risa by asking her to recommend something, and she picks the Japanese equivalent of Disney & Pixar's Up, which she really liked. Aichan agrees to go see it with her. Risa admits that she is the annoying type who while watching a movie or play sometimes doesn't get what's going on, so she asks the person sitting next to her--Aichan--who answers with "something", not shifting her gaze from the screen.
They talk about the Takahashi Niigaki premium dinner show. A listener who was there thinks it would be great if they released a DVD or CD of the event. Ai and Risa and even Risa's mom were thinking the same thing, and it seems management did film them. Another listener writes that it was neat to see Aichan helping Risa along where Risa was the one who was nervous, not having performed at a dinner show before, and Risa confirms this. When they talked casually about doing it again, Aichan had already decided for herself which songs they will sing next time XD Also, Risa got a big laugh out of seeing Aichan running around in red tights in the dressing room.
Now the Tettekete advice corner... A listener working at a bread shop seeks advice on creating an original bread or cake. Aichan says how about a combination of maple syrup and strawberries. Risa says how about something with the taste of edamame (枝豆).
The second question is from Aichan herself to Risa. What would be a good autumn theme for Morning Musume? Risa would like to fans to get to know those interesting personality features each member of MM has that we don't get to see just by looking at the covers of their singles.
The English phrase is "Thanks for coming." While teaching this, Aichan twice mistakenly says "Thanks for waiting".
Risa teaches the Korean phrase "ggakka juseyo" (깎아 주세요), meaning "Discount please." She used it much during the 3-day vacation in Korea that the two of them recently took together. They had a fun time there. Did lots of walking. Shopping, no doubt. Next time they go to Korea they'd like it to be more leisurely.
I love that Ai just sort of gives you a 15 minute run down of any new movie she saw. It's very amusing that she thinks any of the fans are interested in hearing her talk about a movie she saw instead of talking about herself.
I think that is because
1. She really loves movies and plays
2. It is something she can talk about at length (as this week's show made quite clear)
Aichan has admitted many times that she is not a great talker, but this is one topic she has no problems going on and on about.
Aichan was very late in getting a show of her own compared to other members, and it still isn't broadcast on the radio. When Gaki first came on as a guest, Aichan wanted her to come back every week. Then for awhile she had a fellow MM member come on as guest every other week. I think these things reflected her lack of confidence in speaking by herself.
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