Monday, October 26, 2009

London Hearts 09-10-20 (part 3/3)

By: Zabel

A summary of the most recent London Hearts continued. Apologies if any of my translations are off.

Misono doesn't cheat herself, but she has an unusual attitude about being cheated on. It's not the being cheated on that she dislikes, but when a man tries to hide it. She gives an example of a boyfriend who cheated on her and said nothing about it for 6 months when she knew all along. Fundamentally, she doesn't mind her man having another girlfriend. In her own words, she doesn't mind being "number two".

Misono's way of thinking is hard for the others to swallow, especially Tsuji and Suzanne. There aren't many women who are okay with being number two. "That's why when I write it in lyrics I don't get a response", she laments. "That's why my songs aren't selling." XD Sugita wonders, but isn't that cruel to the woman who is his number one? Misono's response? It's best when all three of us get along.

Here, Aota jumps in with one of a number of bizarre analogies she tries to make throughout the evening. Something about how you can't divide up a pizza while making a pizza delivery. Even the host is scratching his head. "This is your most confusing example yet!" Then Brittney starts talking about how Misono's is the PM system. Misono protests Brittney trying to make any comparisons with her.

But the big shocker comes when Michishige suddenly announces that she totally understand what Misono is saying and that she wants to be cheated on herself! You read that right. Sayumi says that she wants to be cheated on. She says she wants to feel sad being alone and imagining her guy being with another girl. Not quite the same thing Misono was saying though.

Sugimoto suggests that the two of them are cut out to be mistresses. They only see what they want to see and ignore the rest. Sugita adds that they love themselves the most. Atsushi: "So you like to picture yourself worrying that the man might be cheating?" Michishige: "Yes. I would be cute doing that."

Sayu doesn't speak again until her name comes up at #3. There's a lot of funniness in between which I'm gonna skip, but the ranking for Sugimoto is particularly amusing. She gets #4, so only negative reasons:

"She would say something clever like, 'Cheating is the spice by which one comes to know true love', while doing it." Which is in fact close to what she actually said! Except she used the word 'essence'.
"If the man were to start cheating she would reply with a big grin, 'So that's how it is.'"

Next comes Sayumi. Reasons:

"She would do it without malice saying, 'He likes me so it can't be helped.'" (translation might be bad)
"She would be fine with cheating herself but would never allow her boyfriend to cheat." They got it backwards, Sayu says.
"She would think it's natural for many men to be serving her."

That last one makes the host think of Kano Kyoko. And then:

Atsushi: So they think you'd find it natural to have men serving you?
Michishige: But I've been called cute all the time since I was little. Everyone around me has called me cute. It's really everyday stuff.
Atsushi: It's common.
Michishige: Yes, so I thought how nice it would be to some day find one of them who I love.
Sugita: While you go on thinking that, you'll stop being cute, and then after everyone distances themselves from you you'll feel betrayed.
Atsushi: What do you think of that idea? (directed at Michishige)
Michishige: It's twisted.
Sugita: I speak from experience.
Atsushi: From experience.
Sugita: It's not twisted.
Tsuji: But my opinion is that if she keeps being called cute, she'll become un-cute instead.
Atsushi: What do you mean?
Tsuji: Like, you're probably cutest when your love is unrequited. So you set that person as a goal and you become pretty instead, and you keep getting called cute, and then when you've become a princess you're not cute anymore.
Atsushi: Your senior is telling you that it's bad to just keep being told you're cute.
Michishige: But I am told.

Finally, the worst two are Hamada and Aota. Brittney keeps denying that she's a cheater. Aota doesn't even try lol. The host concludes by observing that London Hearts increasingly has people on who he can't understand.


The Incredible He-Hulk October 27, 2009 at 11:16 AM  

If Sayumi wants me to cheat on her, I'm game. Of course, that means we need to be dating first.

Anonymous October 27, 2009 at 11:20 AM  

Thanks for translating! Really enjoyed speak between Sayu, Atsushi and Sugita :D