Saturday, October 24, 2009

London Hearts 09-10-20 (part 2/3)

By: Zabel

Sayu did say that her judgements are precise, but it occurred to me that her rankings of the other women really have been close to the mark. Perhaps if Sayu is ever called up to the front she could have a decent chance at winning the 1,000,000 yen =D It's just her rankings of herself that are the problem lol.

Okay, I decided to continue writing about Michishige's 3rd and Tsuji's 1st appearance on London Hearts.

Continuing with her rankings, Brittney places Misono at #5. Atsushi asks, but doesn't Misono have the image of being dedicated? Yes, Brittney says, it's the women who say they are dedicated who would be weak to the advances of men. Sugita points out that Brittney claimed earlier to be dedicated herself. "But I'm dedicated for real", answers Brittney. (ガチで一途なんですよ)

Misono defends herself saying that 1. She doesn't tell lies, 2. She has never once dated a man who pursued her; she does the pursuing herself, and 3. When she is dating a man she will live together with him, making cheating impossible. Brittney: "That IS impossible!" Atsushi: "Hey, you would cheat after all! You'd cheat for real." (ガチで浮気するんだよ) It's a pretty funny exchange in which Brittney appears as if to be taking advice on how to cheat on men (including from Sugita) while insisting that she never would.

Skipping ahead to Brittney's pick for #1 most likely to cheat...Michishige.

Hamada: When she gets told she is very cute, Michishige would happily cheat.
Michishige: But I've gotten used to hearing that I'm cute since I was little; it's everyday stuff. So that--
Atsushi: That's no big deal?
Michishige: That isn't enough to sway my heart.
Sugita: But cute girls like her--I was cute when I was young so I know--after they stop being cute they're in a hurry to cheat.
Michishige: Yuck.
Sugita: She may go around cheating to try to confirm for herself that she is still cute and that she has still 'got it'.
Sugimoto: That happens a lot, huh.
Atsushi: Ah, I see. Getting with men to confirm it.
Michishige: What a twisted way of thinking.
(Mo-musu bomb)
Atsushi: Yeah, you don't want to be like that.
Michishige: I don't want to be like that.
Atsushi: You would just keep getting cuter, right?
Michishige: Right, I've had confidence that I am cute, and recently that confidence has turned to conviction.
: Wow, conviction?
Michishige: Yes, conviction.
Atsushi: What do you think, Tsuji?
Tsuji: Well she's always gone around calling herself cute, but after today I might have to apologize to everyone for her.

In the second half of the program the host gives the actual results of a survey taken by 100 men and reads some of the comments men wrote about the women. These were the results:

#10 Aoki Sayaka
#9 Tsuji Nozomi
#8 Misono
#7 Torii Miyuki
#6 Suzanne
#5 Sugita Kaoru
#4 Sugimoto Aya
#3 Michishige Sayumi
#2 Hamada Brittney
#1 Aota Noriko

Aoki gets #10 just as Sayumi predicted. What Sayu said about her being at level 0 in womanliness is still bothering her. "Am I even lower than Brittney?", she asks Sayumi.

Tsuji is ranked #9. Reasons:

"She is fixated on her husband so no one else could distract her."
"She wouldn't do anything to ruin how happy she seems to be."
"Having established a 'Mama Doll' image she couldn't cheat even if she wanted to."

Brittney tries to insist again that Tsuji would cheat in order to make her man jealous, using the word パコル again. Atsushi wants her to stop using that dirty word.

Misono gets #8. She is so elated that she throws her paper in the flowers. XD There's a lot that happens during Misono's turn so I'll cover it next time.