Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Iiza Ee-Day 7/6

By: Zabel

Aichan returns to her birthplace of Fukui to appear on this recent program, and if appearances can be believed (which they usually can when it comes to Lovely), she has a great time!

Driving up in a 'taxi', as the host calls it, she is introduced in front of Fukui TV and its staff. The host asks her if she recognizes a certain man. It was the man who answered her telephone call when she was seeking information on how to apply for the audition which ultimately got her into Morning Musume, the deadline for which she was barely able to meet. The host also returns to her an engraving set thingie she had used in middle school which her sister had used after her and forgotten at school. Her teacher had been waiting all this time to return it to her.

From there they go around to different places in Fukui sampling food and fun. First stop is to the famous restaurant Yoroppaken where sauce katsudon originated. It's a dish she has been missing since living in Tokyo. When she tries to order katsudon in Tokyo they put eggs in it and she's like, this ain't what I wanted.

The next stop is to Satsukigase where crackers are made. She is given the opportunity to go in the factory, make a few herself, and eat the fruits of her labor. Satsukigase is home of the product 'ai' which we've heard Aichan talk about before. Ai eating ai may sound like self-cannibalism, but she quite likes them. Aichan is surprised to learn that on the day after a concert at which she had introduced ai, the product was all sold out at the Fukui market!

Then she visits a couple who runs a fresh juice vendor to have watermelon juice made. The man upon seeing Aichan says, "Is she the real thing?" (You better believe it, lucky fellow!) She is asked to pick a watermelon that she thinks looks tasty, and does so by banging on it to listen to the sound.

Finally, Aichan is made to enter a room where three old school buddies are waiting to surprise her! Aichan is taken completely by surprise, and looks genuinely ecstatic to see them.

Host: You guys probably know Aichan better than anyone does.
Aichan: They do.
Host: What do you usually call her?
Friends: 'Takahashi'.
Host: So you call her Takahashi! What was Aichan like in elementary and middle school?
Friends: She was cute.
Aichan: You're lying!
Friends: We'd do weird things together.
Host: Let's hear about those weird things.
Friends: Is it okay to say?
Host: For an idol it might be saying too much.

There's more next week!


The Incredible He-Hulk July 8, 2009 at 10:55 AM  

Haha, how cliff-hangery. Frankly, I love it when they say too much.

Jose July 9, 2009 at 3:26 AM  

Thank You ^^